I managed to get Lightwave running using modepro. It can load objects and access modeler. Rendering does not appear to work. I get a DSI and LW freeze on th render screen.
Did anyone make any progress?
ddni wrote: ↑Fri Jan 24, 2020 4:52 pm
I managed to get Lightwave running using modepro. It can load objects and access modeler. Rendering does not appear to work. I get a DSI and LW freeze on th render screen.
Did anyone make any progress?
I had it working fine rendering on my old Samflex board running OS4.1 update 3 I believe but it messed up somehow after FE came out... I'll be trying to set up Lightwave on my X1000 this weekend from the posted vid on this thread and will let you know how it goes
well finally got around to getting Lightwave on my X1000 up & running again and so far I get it loading Layout and Modeller screens great but of course I get the dreaded Guru DSI error when trying to render still.....tried having NewMode prompt for new screens but no luck
any ideas? well at least I start messing with objects now but of course hoping to figuirng out the render screen too soon